
Thursday 16 March 2017

Cover Crush: Devastation Road Jason Hewitt

For new visitors do I want to explain that Cover Crush is something that my friend Erin over at Flashlight Commentary came up with and I adopted the idea together with some other friends. And, now we try to put up a Cover Crush every week. You can check below my pick of the week for their choices this week!

A deeply compelling and poignant story about the tragic lessons of war and the endurance of memory.

In the last months of World War II, a man wakes in a field in a country he does not know. Injured and with only flashes of memory coming back to him, he pulls himself to his feet and starts to walk, setting out on an extraordinary journey in search of his home, his past, and himself.

His name is Owen. A war he has only a vague recollection of joining is in its dying days, and as he tries to get back to England, he becomes caught up in the flood of rootless people pouring through Europe. Among them is a teenage boy, and together they form an unlikely alliance as they cross battle-worn Germany.

When they meet a troubled young woman, tempers flare and scars are revealed as Owen gathers up the shattered pieces of his life. No one is as he remembers, not even himself. How can he truly return home when he hardly recalls what home is?

Some thoughts about the cover:

I had a bit of a problem finding a really good cover for this week. Nothing really inspired me today and I loath last minutes post, but I didn't want to miss putting up a Cover Crush since I've been doing it for some time now. Then I saw this one, not a new cover for me, but one that I find is very fetching with the dandelions and the men jumping from the plan. The cover is interesting with the red on the top of the cover (blood red symbol of the war?) and that the men are out of focus and that dandelion in the left corner is more in focus. Could be just a nice touch, but it's interesting to wonder if there are some reasons for the motives on the cover...

Check out what my friends have picked for Cover Crush's this week:

Flashlight Commentary
2 Kids and Tired Books
Layered Pages
The Maidens Court

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