Sunday 8 February 2015

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Me before You by Jojo Moyes
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lou Clark loses her job at the cafĂ© she has worked for years and she is in desperate need of a new job since her work supports her family. She takes a job as a companion for Will who is paralyzed. It is not love at first sight, quite the opposite instead. Lou is not sure how to deal with this bitter man that she has been hired to take care of.  But, she won't give up on him despite his attitude to live.   


I find it's hard to find a really good romance books nowadays, well honestly it's because I hardly read any real romance books, and I often find them too cheesy and annoying. But now and then I actually read a romance book that is good. Me Before You a really good one. But I knew it would end badly, I read some reviews and I have never seen so many people emotionally destroyed by a book, a sign that I must read the book of course.

Strangely, In Sweden, they decided to call the book "Livet efter dig", translated to "Life after you". I much prefer "Me Before You", since calling a book "Life after you" well, gives the ending away. But it didn't make the blow easier. I don't often cry when I read books, but the ending brought tears to my eyes.

One thing I really love about the book was how Lou was transformed throughout the book. Her will to get Will to find a reason to live also made her life bigger. Her life was safe before Will, she had a job, a boyfriend, but meeting Will gave her courage, gave her wings. Yes, she suffered, but in the end, she grew strong.

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