My rating: 4 of 5 stars
När en ung kvinnas ruttnande kropp återfinns nära ett järnvägsspår utanför Bristol antyder såren på hennes handleder självmord. Det är också just så polisen vill ha det: snyggt och prydligt och enkelt att lägga till handlingarna.
Men kriminalkommissarie Jack Caffery tvivlar. Fler synbara självmord dyker upp, alla med kopplingar till Älvgrottorna, ett nästan bottenlöst system av översvämmade gruvor. Caffery börjar ana en skugglik, mystisk varelse, någon som håller sig gömd i mörkret och osedd kan ta sig in i folks hus.
Vid sidan av Caffery arbetar polisdykaren Flea Marley. Med sitt förflutnas trauman bakom sig har hon börjat undra om deras förhållande inte skulle kunna bli någonting mer än det yrkesmässiga. Men så upptäcker hon något som inte bara kommer henne obehagligt nära, det är så skrämmande att hennes liv aldrig kommer att bli detsamma.
Och den här gången kan ingen – inte ens Jack – hjälpa henne.
Jag hade turen att läsa Hud direkt efter att ha läst Ritual vilket gjorde att det kändes som om jag läste bara en bok, som vart uppdelad i två böcker då handlingen i Hud tar vid i stor sett direkt efter handlingen i Ritual slutar. Då jag tyckte att Ritual slutad med några lösa trådar så var jag väldigt nöjd över detta.
Jack Caffery är inte helt övertygad om att fallet från föregående bok är helt avklarat. Han har en känsla av ett någon slapp undan, någon som förföljer honom. Frågan är varför? Och först tror han att de besynnerliga självmordet som han undersöker har med morden från föregående fall att göra. Eller rättare sagt från personen som kom undan. Men det är bara han som är misstänksam och tror att det kan rör sig om ett mord och inte ett självmord. Under tiden har Flea Marley egna problem med en överraskning som hennes bror Thom har lämnat bak i hennes bil.
Som med föregående bok så är denna bok svår att sluta läsa. Handlingen är intensiv och fängslande och både Fleas personliga problem och Jacks undersökning är intressanta att följa. Jag var så inne i handlingen att jag nästan såg rött när Thom och hans flickvän Mandy började ställa till problem för Flea. Jag hoppas innerligt att de får vad de förtjänar i någon kommande bok. Maken till vedervärdiga personer är det svårt att finna.
Hud är en mycket bra bok och slutet var både perfekt och frustrerande. Frustrerande för att jag nu bara måste ha fortsättningen!
Tack till Modernista för recensionsexemplaret!
When the decomposed body of a young woman is found by near railway tracks just outside Bristol one hot May morning, all indications are that she's committed suicide. That's how the police want it too; all neatly squared and tidied away. But DI Jack Caffery is not so sure. He is on the trail of someone predatory, someone who hides in the shadows and can slip into houses unseen. And for the first time in a very long time, he feels scared.
Police Diver Flea Marley is working alongside Caffery. Having come to terms with the loss of her parents, and with the traumas of her past safely behind her, she's beginning to wonder whether their relationship could go beyond the professional. And then she finds something that changes everything. Not only is it far too close to home for comfort - but it's so horrifying that she knows that nothing will ever be the same again. And that this time, no one - not even Caffery - can help her...
I was lucky to have read Ritual right before I read Skin because that made it feel like I was only reading one book that was split into two books since the story in Skin feels like a continuation from Ritual. And, since I felt that Ritual ended was some questions left to answer was this especially satisfying.
Jack Caffery is not convinced that the case from the previous book is completely over. He has a feeling that someone got away, and that person is stalking him. And, the question is why? He also thinks that the suicide that he is investigating has something to do with the murder cases from the previous case. Or rather the person that got away. But, he is the only one that is suspicious about it. Meanwhile, Flea Marley has to deal with her own personal problem, a surprise that her brother Thom left back in her car.
Like the previous book was this one hard to put down. The story is fascinating and intensive and both Flea's personal problem and Jack's investigation are interesting to follow. I was so caught up with the story that I almost exploded with anger when Thom and his girlfriend Mandy started to make trouble for Flea. I hope they get what they deserve in the future. I loathe them both!
Skin is a very good book, and the ending was both perfect and frustrating to read. Frustrating because I now must have the next book soon!
Thanks to Modernista for the review copy!
Tack till Modernista för recensionsexemplaret!
When the decomposed body of a young woman is found by near railway tracks just outside Bristol one hot May morning, all indications are that she's committed suicide. That's how the police want it too; all neatly squared and tidied away. But DI Jack Caffery is not so sure. He is on the trail of someone predatory, someone who hides in the shadows and can slip into houses unseen. And for the first time in a very long time, he feels scared.
Police Diver Flea Marley is working alongside Caffery. Having come to terms with the loss of her parents, and with the traumas of her past safely behind her, she's beginning to wonder whether their relationship could go beyond the professional. And then she finds something that changes everything. Not only is it far too close to home for comfort - but it's so horrifying that she knows that nothing will ever be the same again. And that this time, no one - not even Caffery - can help her...
I was lucky to have read Ritual right before I read Skin because that made it feel like I was only reading one book that was split into two books since the story in Skin feels like a continuation from Ritual. And, since I felt that Ritual ended was some questions left to answer was this especially satisfying.
Jack Caffery is not convinced that the case from the previous book is completely over. He has a feeling that someone got away, and that person is stalking him. And, the question is why? He also thinks that the suicide that he is investigating has something to do with the murder cases from the previous case. Or rather the person that got away. But, he is the only one that is suspicious about it. Meanwhile, Flea Marley has to deal with her own personal problem, a surprise that her brother Thom left back in her car.
Like the previous book was this one hard to put down. The story is fascinating and intensive and both Flea's personal problem and Jack's investigation are interesting to follow. I was so caught up with the story that I almost exploded with anger when Thom and his girlfriend Mandy started to make trouble for Flea. I hope they get what they deserve in the future. I loathe them both!
Skin is a very good book, and the ending was both perfect and frustrating to read. Frustrating because I now must have the next book soon!
Thanks to Modernista for the review copy!
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