Thursday 30 November 2017

#CoverCrush Death and the Maiden by Frank Tallis @Marablaise

For new visitors do I want to explain that Cover Crush is something that my friend Erin over at Flashlight Commentary came up with and I adopted the idea together with some other friends. And, now we try to put up a Cover Crush every week. You can check below my pick of the week for their choices this week!

Frank Tallis, acclaimed author of the Edgar Award–nominated Vienna Secrets, returns with a new and masterfully woven tale full of deceit, love, and rich mystery. Set in fin de siècle Vienna, it’s perfect for fans of Boris Akunin, Alan Furst, and David Liss.

Ida Rosenkranz is top diva at the Vienna Opera, but she’s gone silent for good after an apparent laudanum overdose. Learning of her professional rivalries and her scandalous affairs with older men, Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt and Dr. Max Liebermann suspect foul play instead. Their investigation leads them into dark and dangerous conflicts with Gustav Mahler, the opera’s imperious director, who is himself the target of a poison pen campaign, and Karl Lueger, Vienna’s powerful and anti-Semitic mayor. As the peril escalates, Rheinhardt grows further into his role as family man, while Liebermann finds himself at odds with his inamorata, Amelia, who’s loosening both her corset and her tongue in the new feminist movement.

Some thoughts about the cover:

Two things really caught my eyes with the cover. First, of course, the woman with the fan and mask. Then the left side with the wonderful pattern. It's such an intriguing cover that I just want to get the book and read it.

Check out what my friends have picked for Cover Crush's this week:

Stephanie @ Layered Pages

#BookReview A Dark So Deadly by Stuart MacBride @StuartMacBride @HarperCollins @Marablaise

A Dark So Deadly by Stuart MacBride
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Gripping standalone thriller from the Sunday Times No. 1 bestselling author of the Logan McRae series.

Welcome to the Misfit Mob…

It’s where Police Scotland dumps the officers it can’t get rid of, but wants to: the outcasts, the troublemakers, the compromised. Officers like DC Callum MacGregor, lumbered with all the boring go-nowhere cases. So when an ancient mummy turns up at the Oldcastle tip, it’s his job to find out which museum it’s been stolen from.

But then Callum uncovers links between his ancient corpse and three missing young men, and life starts to get a lot more interesting. O Division’s Major Investigation Teams already have more cases than they can cope with, so, against everyone’s better judgement, the Misfit Mob are just going to have to manage this one on their own.

No one expects them to succeed, but right now they’re the only thing standing between the killer’s victims and a slow, lingering death. The question is, can they prove everyone wrong before he strikes again?


If there is someone I trust to write an all through enjoyable 600-page crime novel is it Stuart MacBride. And, I have to admit that I'm not that fond of books that thick. Not everyone is capable of writing a book with so many pages and keeping the steam up all the way through. Stephen King is one that can do it. And, Stuart MacBride is truly a King when it comes to writing a story that is both hilarious, tragic, dark, sad and utterly engrossing.

This is a stand-alone book so no Logan McRae as far as the eye can see. At first, when I realized that it was a stand-alone book was I a bit worried. No Logan, no Roberta Steel? But, then again I love the Ash Henderson series (Ps I want more books about Ash Henderson). So, I shouldn't have been worried.

Instead of reading the book did I decide to listen to the audio version of it. And boy, I was hooked pretty much from the start. DC Callum MacGregor is a new favorite character of mine and I was thrilled when one of my favorite characters from the Ash Henderson series showed up.

A Dark So Deadly is a fantastic crime novel and I loved the whole Misfit Mob group which consists of cops that have done something wrong or are just troublemakers, etc. The case with the mummy seems not that complicated. Someone must have stolen a mummy from a museum. However, not everything is as it seems and the Misfit Mob soon realize that they may have a serial killer to catch. If they can work together.

Fabulous book. Loved the ending, truly shocking and surprising!

Wednesday 29 November 2017

#BookReview Landsförrädaren (The Escape) by David Baldacci (@davidbaldacci) SWE/ENG @Marablaise

The Escape by David Baldacci
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Det är ett fängelse olikt alla andra, med ett säkerhetssystem utöver det vanliga och militärens hårda disciplinregler.

Ingen av fångarna har ens tänkt tanken på att rymma. Alla trodde att det var omöjligt. Fram tills nu. John Pullers äldre bror Robert är dömd för landsförräderi. Hans oförklarliga rymning från fängelset har gjort honom till landets mest eftersökta brottsling. Vita huset ser John Puller som länken till att finna Robert. Men Puller upptäcker snart att hans bror är jagad av någon som inte vill fånga honom levande. Puller tvingas dessutom att samarbeta med en annan agent som verkar ha en helt egen agenda.

De blir allt mer involverade i fallet, och Puller hittar märkliga detaljer om sin brors dom. Och det verkar som att någon är villig att göra vad som helst för att sanningen inte ska komma fram. Pullers förmåga som utredare sätts verkligen på prov, och han kanske inte är tillräckligt skicklig för att rädda sin bror eller ens sig själv.

Landsförrädaren är den tredje delen i Baldaccis serie om FBI:s utredare John Puller.


David Baldacci har gjort det igen. Landsförrädaren är en fantastisk bok, precis som de andra böckerna jag har läst i den här serien och precis som alla andra bokar jag har läst av Baldacci hittills. Jag har länge velat veta mer om Robert Puller och det brott han säger ha gjort och nu fick jag äntligen veta varför han dömdes för landsförräderi.

Landsförrädaren börjar med att Robert Puller rymmer från fängelset. En manöver som borde ha varit omöjlig, men det verkar som att allt som inte skulle vara omöjligt att hända hände! John Puller vet inte vad hans bror dömdes för då han var utomlands när det hände och rättegångens material är hemlighetsstämplat.

Landsförrädaren är den tredje boken om John Puller och alla böcker kan läsas som fristående. Lita på mig, jag började med boken som kommer efter den här och läser sedan den första i serien. Boken är spännande från början till slut och du vet aldrig vem du ska lita på och personligen fann jag att läsa en bok med både John och Robert var toppen. Det är inte ett enkelt fall för John. Robert må ha begått högförräderi, men han är fortfarande hans storebror. Det finns en scen i slutet av boken som nästan fick mig att gråta. Jag älskar bara hur mitt i all spänning  kan det finnas ömma ögonblick. Förövrigt vill jag verkligen läsa en bok om AWOL, Johns katt. Jag bara vet att AWOL har många äventyr när John är ute och jagar onda typer.

Tack till Bokfabriken för recensionsexemplaret!


It's a prison unlike any other. Military discipline rules. Its security systems are unmatched. None of its prisoners dream of escaping. They know it's impossible.

Until now.

John Puller's older brother, Robert, was convicted of treason and national security crimes. His inexplicable escape from prison makes him the most wanted criminal in the country. Some in the government believe that John Puller represents their best chance at capturing Robert alive, and so Puller takes on the burden of bringing his brother in to face justice.

But Puller quickly discovers that there are others pursuing his brother, who only see Robert as a traitor and are unconcerned if he survives. Puller is in turn pushed into an uneasy, fraught partnership with another agent, who may have an agenda of her own.

They dig more deeply into the case together, and Puller finds that not only are her allegiances unclear, but that there are troubling details about his brother's conviction....and that someone is out there who doesn't want the truth to ever come to light. As the nation-wide manhunt for Robert grows more urgent, Puller's masterful skills as an investigator and strength as a fighter may not be enough to save his brother-or himself.

David Baldacci has done it again. The Escape is a fabulous book, just like the other books I've read in this series and just like every other book I've read by Baldacci so far. I've wanted to learn more about Robert Puller and the crime he's said to have done and now I finally got to know why he was convicted of treason.

The Escape starts off with a Robert Puller escaping from prison. A maneuver that should have been impossible, but it seems that somehow everything that shouldn't be impossible to happen, happened! John Puller never knew what his brother had done to be convicted of treason since he was out of the country when it happened and the trial material is classified. Now he must persuade his brother because if there is someone that knows Robert it's John.

The Escape is the third book about John Puller and all the books can be read as standalone. Trust me, I started with the book that comes after this one and then read the first in the series. The book is action filled and you never know who to trust and I was really thrilled to read a book with both John and Robert in it. It's not an easy case for John. Robert may have committed high treason, but he's still his big brother. There is a scene at the end of the book that nearly brought me to tears. I just love how in the mids of all the action can there be tender moments. On a side note, I really want to read a book about AWOL, John's cat. I bet AWOL have a lot of adventures as John is out chasing bad guys.   

Thanks to Bokfabriken for the review copy!

Tuesday 28 November 2017

#BookReview The Sisters of Glass Ferry by Kim Michele Richardson (@KMRichardson_) @KensingtonBooks

The Sisters of Glass Ferry by Kim Michele Richardson
My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Spanning several decades and written in an authentic voice both lyrical and wise, The Sisters of Glass Ferry is a haunting novel about small-town Southern secrets, loss and atonement, and the unbreakable bond between siblings.

Glass Ferry, Kentucky, is bourbon country. Whiskey has been a way of life for generations, enabling families to provide and survive even in the darkest times. Flannery Butler's daddy, Beauregard "Honey Bee" Butler, was known for making some of the best whiskey in the state, aged in barrels he'd take by boat up and down the Kentucky River until the rocking waters turned the spirits smooth and golden. Flannery is the only person Honey Bee ever entrusted with his recipes before he passed on, swearing her to secrecy as he did so.

But Flannery is harboring other secrets too, about her twin sister Patsy, older by eight minutes and pretty in a way Flannery knows she'll never be.

Then comes the prom night when Patsy--wearing a yellow chiffon dress and the family pearls--disappears along with her date. Every succeeding year on the twins' birthday, Flannery's mother bakes a strawberry cake, convinced that this is the day Patsy will finally come home. But it will be two tumultuous decades until the muddy river yields a clue about what happened that night, compelling Flannery to confront the truth about her sleepy town, her family's past, and the choices she and those closest to her have made in the name of love and retribution . . .


Some books start off in a way that makes you just know that this book will work out very well. And, this beginning of this book with Flannery visiting her mother on her birthday and it's the twentieth one since Flannery's sister Patsy went missing. And, still, her mother expects that she will show up. This is the year, this time will Patsy return. And, yes this is the year patsy comes home, it's also the year Flannery finally will learn what happened twenty years prior, when her sisters Patsy disappeared...

I love reading books set in the American South and this one with two parallel storylines is a fabulous read. The book shifts effortlessly between the 70s and the 50s during the book and I found both storylines compelling. As Flannery learns about Patsy's fate in 1972 do we also get Patsy and Flannery's POV in 1952. It's a captivating and tragic story and I loved how part of me, despite pretty much knowing the outcome hoped that Patsy would come home. The ending of the book also revealed a big surprise that really took me by surprise. This is a book that is sad, but there are all lovely moments and I especially loved the last part of the book because I hoped that Flannery would find some peace and joy in her life.

The Sisters of Glass Ferry is a fantastic book and I hope to get the chance to read the authors other books!

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review!

Monday 27 November 2017

#BookReview Watch Me by Angela Clarke @AvonBooksUK @Marablaise

Watch Me by Angela Clarke
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


The body of a 15-year-old is found hours after she sends a desperate message to her friends. It looks like suicide, until a second girl disappears.

This time, the message is sent directly to the Metropolitan Police – and an officer’s younger sister is missing.

DS Nasreen Cudmore and journalist Freddie Venton will stop at nothing to find her. But whoever’s behind the notes is playing a deadly game of hide and seek – and the clock is ticking.



Watch Me is the sequel to Follow me and as I hadn't read the first book was this my first introduction to DS Nasreen Cudmore and journalist Freddie Venton. I optioned to listen to the audio version of the book and it was in hindsight perhaps not the best thing, Now both Nasren and Freddie are quite young, in the early twenties, and there is nothing wrong with that, it's just that Imogen Wilde made them sound like they were much younger than that. And, I'm sorry to say I just had some trouble taken them serious as a DS and an (ex)journalist. It's interesting how a narrator can affect the book in that way. I just want to stress that there is nothing wrong with Imogen Wildes voice. I just felt it didn't really suit this book.

As for the story. It was OK. The media angle, hacking, Snapchat, Facebook the constant awareness where you are through updates. That makes you an easy target. And, it's a perfect instrument for a crime plot. Nasreen and Freddie both know the effect of bullying and that makes this case very personal for them. It also gets a lot more personal when a colleague's sisters get kidnapped and they got 24 hours to find her. 

I found the last part of the book the best when the pace started to increase when things started to both unravel and be revealed (keeping secrets is never good). As I wrote before I found the narrator not perfect for the characters, however, I did like Nasreen and Freddie and their friendship. It's a perfectly alright book and it's a series I would definitely read more from.

#BookReview Portrait of Vengeance by Carrie Stuart Parks (@CarrieParks) @TNZFiction @Marablaise

Portrait of Vengeance by Carrie Stuart Parks
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

An unsolved case. A tempest of memories. The future’s at stake—and time is running out...

Gwen Marcey has done a good job of keeping the pain of her past boxed up. But as she investigates the case of a missing child in Lapwai, Idaho, details keep surfacing that are eerily similar to her childhood traumas. She doesn’t believe in coincidences. So what’s going on here?

No one knows more about the impact of the past than the Nez Perce people of Lapwai. Gwen finds herself an unwelcome visitor to some, making her investigation even more difficult. The questions keep piling up, but answers are slow in coming—and the clock is ticking for a missing little girl. Meanwhile, her ex-husband back home is threatening to take sole custody of their daughter.

As Gwen’s past and present collide, she’s in a desperate race for the truth. Because only truth will ensure she still has a future.


I've been wanting to try out the Gwen Marcey series for a while so when I got the chance to read this, book four in the series, did I not hesitate.

First I want to say that I was curious to see how this, a book labeled Christian mystery, would be like. I mean that's not often I come across a mystery book that is defined as a Christian one. And, as far as I can tell, after reading this book is it worked out OK. Not too preachy, just the mentioning of God now and then. Second, I was intrigued to discover that Gewn Marcey has had a double mastectomy. This is the first time I've come across that in a novel (I think) and I quite liked it because that's something that so many women have to do and I like reading books where the main character goes through situations that can happen to anyone.

However, Gwen's upbringing is definitely not normal and in this book, Gwen will learn more things about her past that will chock her. She's been running from the past for so many years, but now she finally can confront her demons. There was a moment went I thought that Gwen leaped to a conclusion without any proofs while she searched for information about her past. I mean sure, things can seem to be true, but I thought she would at least be a bit more skeptic and not take it at face value. However, I did find most of the book very interesting and I was pleasantly surprised by the ending. The funny thing is that I figured out who the killer was, and was a bit disappointed about that, but then Carrie Stuart Parks twisted the story and I must say that was a nice touch.

A great book and I look forward to reading the rest of the books in the series!

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review!

Saturday 25 November 2017

#Wishlist Highly Anticipated Thrillers Published in 2018

As 2018 is getting closer and closer did I think that Novembers wishlist should be about 5 thriller books that I really look forward to reading. What the books have in common is that I've previously read and loved books by the authors. 


When Grace Ozmian, the beautiful and reckless daughter of a wealthy tech billionaire, first goes missing, the NYPD assumes she has simply sped off on another wild adventure. Until the young woman's body is discovered in an abandoned warehouse in Queens, the head nowhere to be found.

Lieutenant CDS Vincent D'Agosta quickly takes the lead. He knows his investigation will attract fierce scrutiny, so D'Agosta is delighted when FBI Special Agent A.X.L. Pendergast shows up at the crime scene assigned to the case. "I feel rather like Brer Rabbit being thrown into the briar patch," Pendergast tells D'Agosta, "because I have found you here, in charge. Just like when we first met, back at the Museum of Natural History."

But neither Pendergast nor D'Agosta are prepared for what lies ahead. A diabolical presence is haunting the greater metropolitan area, and Grace Ozmian was only the first of many victims to be murdered . . . and decapitated. Worse still, there's something unique to the city itself that has attracted the evil eye of the killer.

As mass hysteria sets in, Pendergast and D'Agosta find themselves in the crosshairs of an opponent who has threatened the very lifeblood of the city. It'll take all of Pendergast's skill to unmask this most dangerous foe-let alone survive to tell the tale.

The next thrilling installment of the Max Revere series by New York Times bestseller Allison Brennan, on the heels of the first crossover with Lucy Kincaid.

Investigative reporter Max Revere has cracked many cases, but the one investigation she's never attempted is the mystery from her own past. Her mother abandoned her when she was nine, walking out and never reappearing in Max's life. Yet in this next enthralling thriller from Allison Brennan, Max finds herself in a small town on Chesapeake Bay with a single clue--that her mother's car disappeared here years ago--and a lot to uncover.

As Max investigates, and her mother's story begins to unfold, she realizes that Martha Revere was even worse than the woman Max has always believed her to be. She teamed up with a con man, played a sort of Bonnie to his Clyde, and even had another child, which she also abandoned, just like she had Max. But as Max tries to untangle her mother's fate and get to know her teenaged half-sister, the only thing she might succeed in doing is bringing them all closer to the same kind of violent end she fears her mother encountered.

New York Times bestselling author Allison Brennan weaves the intimate, unputdownable story of an investigator confronting the most important--and most dangerous--mystery of her career.

Gideon Crew--brilliant scientist, master thief, intrepid adventurer--is shocked when his former employer, Eli Glinn, vanishes without a trace, and Glinn's high-tech lab Effective Engineering Solutions shuts down seemingly overnight.

Fresh off a diagnosis that gives him only months to live, Crew is contacted by one of his former coworkers at EES, Manuel Garza, who has a bead on one final treasure hinted at in EES's final case, the long-awaited translation of a centuries-old stone tablet of a previously undiscovered civilization: The Phaistos Disc.

What lies at the end of the trail will either save Gideon's life--or bring it to a sudden, shocking close. Crew once again faces incredible odds--but as Gideon has proved again and again, there's no such thing as too great a risk when you're living on borrowed time.

Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs return to New York City from their honeymoon in Italy to discover a killer is terrorizing New York City. Dubbed the Fiancé Killer, their latest foe targets newly engaged couples by following them into jewelry stores, ending the couples' lives just before they can purchase the ring that symbolizes the future that will never be theirs.

As panic grips the city, Rhyme and Sachs quickly spring into action with the full weight of the NYPD backing up the pair's forensic brilliance. But the killer proves elusive, and his agenda is much more than first meets the eye.

Soon it becomes clear that the closer Rhyme and Sachs draw to the killer, the closer the killer draws to them. And their foe soon notices that there's something especially arresting about the ring Rhyme gave Sachs--something that could cost both of them their lives.

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author comes a new explosive thriller featuring forensic sculptor Eve Duncan.

Iris Johansen returns with a thrilling novel of action and danger where fan favorite Eve Duncan is thrown once more into a deadly game of intrigue. It begins when Eve receives a package containing a skull—and instructions for Eve to do her work reconstructing it. When she does, a beautiful woman’s face emerges. But when Eve is introduced to the dead woman’s mirror image, a game is on where her twin’s life hangs in the balance.


Want to see more wishlist?
Check out these that my friends have posted:

Stephanie at Layered Pages
Heather at The Maiden's Court
Colleen at A Literary Vacation
Holly at 2 Kids and Tired

Friday 24 November 2017

#BlogTour We Have Lost the Chihuahuas by Paul Mathews (@QuiteFunnyGuy) @emmamitchellfpr @Marablaise


London, 2046. The British Republic has a new First Lady. She’s Californian, ‘in-your-face, for sure’ and she’s got big plans for a Buckingham Palace refurb. When her three Chihuahuas go missing, one man is determined to avoid getting dragged into it all. His name is Pond. Howie Pond – presidential spokesperson, retired secret agent and cat lover.

Meanwhile, Howie’s wife Britt is handed her first assignment as a National Security and Intelligence Service rookie – to solve the mystery of the missing canine trio.

Will Howie manage to slope off to the pub before he can be roped into help? Will Britt unmask the dognapper and grab the glory? Find out, in the latest, crazy comedy-thriller from dog-loving British author Paul Mathews.

Author interview

1. Who would be at your dream dinner party (alive, dead or fictional)?

Like Britt Pond, one of main characters, I hate dinner parties (indeed, parties in general). In fact, as far as I can remember, I’ve never attended a formal dinner party. However, the late Douglas Adams would certainly have tempted me if a dinner invitation from him popped through the letterbox.

2. What's the best advice you have ever received?

“You should write a novel!”

3. What's the worst advice you have ever received?

“Go on, just one more drink.”

4. Who is your hero or heroine (real or fictional)?

Arthur Dent from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – he maintains his British sense of humour despite being the last human in existence and wearing nothing more than pyjamas and a dressing gown.

5. Where are you happiest?

Bars, restaurants, football grounds and pool halls.

About the author:

Paul Mathews is a quite funny British guy who's managed to escape his day job and is currently on the run as a comedy novelist. His sharp, satirical - often surreal - sense of humour draws on 20 years as a British Government press officer, during which time he encountered politicians, senior civil servants, HR managers, and lots of other people who really sucked at their jobs.

His popular 'We Have Lost' comedy-thriller series set in 2040s London, starring beleaguered presidential spokesman and wannabe secret agent Howie Pond, currently comprises four titles with more on the way. Paul has read all the books at least ten times and highly recommends them.

Make him happy by signing up for his 'Very Funny Newsletter' here: If you don't want to sign up for it, stay calm and do nothing.

Paul also owns a cat, Lulu, who works as his assistant. All fan mail to her, please.

Pre-Order link:

Thursday 23 November 2017

#BookReview Dödsdömd (Dead Woman Walking) by Sharon Bolton (@AuthorSJBolton) (SWE/ENG) @ModernistaRed @Marablaise

Dödsdömd by Sharon Bolton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Strax före gryningen, i bergen nära gränsen till Skottland, mördas en ung kvinna. Samtidigt kraschlandar en luftballong i området. Bara en person, Jessica Lane, överlever mirakulöst.

Jessica har sett mördarens ansikte. Men mördaren har också sett hennes. Och han kommer inte att ge upp förrän han har eliminerat det enda vittnet till brottet.

Ensam och rädd, och utan att kunna lita på någon, flyr Jessica till den plats där hon känner sig tryggast. Men det kan visa sig att just den platsen är den farligaste av alla…

Dödsdömd [Dead Woman Walking, 2017] är Sharon Boltons nya fristående thriller.


Sharon Bolton är en av mina favoritförfattare och jag har ivrigt väntat på att denna bok skulle släppas på svenska så jag kunde få läsa den. Bolton har en otrolig förmåga att skriva thrillers som verkligen griper tag i en och fängslar en från början till slut. Dödsdömd är inget undantag.

Jag måste erkänna att inledningen, ballongfärden är en av de mest spektakulära jag har läst. Att komma på en sådan idé. Att handlingen i boken varvades mellan nutid samt tillbakablickar på Jessica och hennes systers barndom ökade mitt intresse och jag hade svårt att lägga boken ifrån mig. Jag verkligen älskar tillbakablickar som är lika fängslade som det som sker i nutids handlingen och speciellt gillar jag när man börjar förstå varför författaren har med tillbakablickar.

Genom boken gång så var det saker jag misstänkte och fick rätt i men Bolton visade samtidigt att hon är en mästare på att lura läsaren att tro att den har rätt för att sedan twista till handlingen rejält. Speciellt mot slutet då flera saker skedde som överraskade mig.

Dödsdömt är en superb thriller, fängslade rakt igenom och jag verkligen längtar efter nästa Sharon Bolton bok!

Tack till Modernista för recensionsexemplaret!


Just before dawn in the hills near the Scottish border, a man murders a young woman. At the same time, a hot-air balloon crashes out of the sky. There’s just one survivor.

She’s seen the killer’s face – but he’s also seen hers. And he won’t rest until he’s eliminated the only witness to his crime.

Alone, scared, trusting no one, she’s running to where she feels safe – but it could be the most dangerous place of all . . .


Sharon Bolton is one of my favorite writers and I have eagerly been waiting for this book to be released in Swedish so I could read it. Bolton has an incredible ability to write thrillers that really grabs hold of your interests and captivate one from start to finish. Dead Woman Walking is no exception.

I have to admit that the introduction, with the hot-air balloon trip, is one of the most spectacular I have read. To come up with such an idea. That the story in the book was switching between the present and flashbacks to Jessica and her sister's childhood increased my interest and I found myself unable to put the book down. I really love flashbacks that are as captivating as the present story and I especially like when you begin to understand why the author has added flashbacks to the story. 

Through the book, these were the things I suspected and later found that I had guess right about, but Bolton showed at the same time that she is a champion to trick the reader to believe that one has figured everything out and then turn the table on you. Especially towards the end when several things happened that surprised me.

Dead Woman Walking is a superb thriller, utterly captivating straight through and I really long for the next Sharon Bolton book!

Thanks to Modernista for the review copy!

#CoverCrush The Spook Lights Affair by Marcia Muller and Bill Pronzini @Marablaise

For new visitors do I want to explain that Cover Crush is something that my friend Erin over at Flashlight Commentary came up with and I adopted the idea together with some other friends. And, now we try to put up a Cover Crush every week. You can check below my pick of the week for their choices this week!

A missing debutante, murder, and spectral lights in the fog make for a thrilling gaslight-era mystery in this sequel to The Bughouse Affair

The Spook Lights Affair -- the latest in the Carpenter and Quincannon historical mystery series from MWA Grandmasters Bill Pronzini and Marcia Muller.

In 1895 San Francisco, young debutantes don't commit suicide at festive parties, particularly not under the eye of Sabina Carpenter. But Virginia St. Ives evidently did, leaping from a foggy parapet in a shimmer of ghostly light. The seemingly impossible disappearance of her body creates an even more serious problem for the firm of Carpenter and Quincannon, Professional Detective Services.
Sabina hadn't wanted to take the assignment, but her partner John Quincannon insisted it would serve as entrée to the city's ultra-rich and powerful. That means money, and Quincannon loves the almighty dollar. Which is why he is hunting the bandit who robbed the Wells, Fargo office of $35,000.
Working their separate cases (while Sabina holds John off with one light hand), the detectives give readers a tour of The City the way it was. From the infamous Barbary Coast to the expensive Tenderloin gaming houses and brothels frequented by wealthy men, Quincannon follows a danger-laden trail to unmask the murderous perpetrators of the Wells, Fargo robbery. Meanwhile, Sabina works her wiles on friends and relatives of the vanished debutante until the pieces of her puzzle start falling into place. But it's an oddly disguised gent appearing out of nowhere who provides the final clue to both cases--the shrewd "crackbrain" who believes himself to be Sherlock Holmes.

Some thoughts about the cover:

When it comes to cover isn't it just the image that's important. The font and borders are also very important. Like with this cover. I have to admit that the title of the book and the surrounding border is the thing that first caught my eyes. It's just the kind of cover that appeals to me.

Check out what my friends have picked for Cover Crush's this week:

Stephanie @ Layered Pages

Meghan @ Of Quills & Vellum

Erin @ Flashlight Commentary

Wednesday 22 November 2017

#BookReview Mind Game by Iris Johansen #FFreview @FreshFiction @Marablaise

Mind Game by Iris Johansen
My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars

Mind Game takes Jane MacGuire back to Scotland where she continues her search for the treasure she’s been chasing for years. But now she’s being plagued by dreams of a girl in danger. Who is this girl, and what is she trying to tell Jane? And will Jane figure it out before it’s too late—for her and the mysterious young woman? Things are further complicated when Seth Caleb comes back into Jane’s life. This time he’s the one in trouble, and Jane will find herself pulled unexpectedly into his world as she fights to save him.

With the adventure, intrigue, and explosive energy that Iris Johansen fans love, Mind Game is a high-octane thriller that readers won’t be able to put down.


The Eve Ducan series is a new favorite of mine. MIND GAME is book 22 in the series and pulls focuses to Jane MacGuire and Seth Caleb. I love when Iris Johansen lets other characters take the front seat for a book, allowing Eve enough time to breathe.


Monday 20 November 2017

#BookReview Death Note by Caroline Mitchell @bookouture @Marablaise

Death Note by Caroline Mitchell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Twenty years ago you were forced to give your daughter up. Now she’s back. Or is she?

Women who’ve had to give up children for adoption are being killed. A knock at their front door begins a nightmare from which they will never wake up.

East London Detective Ruby Preston and her team must hunt down a disturbed individual before someone else is taken. But when bodies start turning up, staged in perfect, domestic scenes, it carries the echo of a memory in Ruby's mind. The tinkling of a music box. A mother and child reunion...

Then just as Ruby thinks they've made a breakthrough, she receives a sinister email, and the case takes a terrifying personal twist.

Can Ruby catch the killer before they strike again? Or will her troubled past catch up with her first?


Death Note by Caroline Mitchell is the first book in the Ruby Preston series. And, I liked it, it's a good first book. I especially liked Ruby Preston and her quite difficult home situations with her affair with a colleague and her on and off affair with an old flame on the wrong side of the law.

Now, I have to admit that the crime in this book, the abduction of the women that had given up children for adoption years ago did not thrill me that much. Sure, I found the book interesting enough and I was never bored. However, there is just something that stopped me from truly enjoying the story. Sometimes it's hard to truly explain why a book doesn't work 100% and this is one of them. It could be that we got to follow the perpetrators POV and I prefer to be kept in the dark instead of getting the killers POV. That works now and then for me, but in this case, well I was not totally enjoying the killers POV chapters. I much preferred following Ruby's investigations not to mention her problems on the home front. She has some secrets that she tries to hide, but it seems that someone knows about them...

Nevertheless, I don't want to be a total downer. I really liked the Ruby and her team. Sometimes the characters around the main characters can be a bit bland and hard to pick apart, but I enjoyed getting to know them and I'm looking forward to the next book much thanks to that. Ruby has as I wrote before a very interesting home situation and that is one of the aspects that I truly enjoyed about this book. That and the surprising ending. I have to admit that I did not see that ending coming.

Great first book in a new series and I'm looking forward to reading book 2!

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review!

Saturday 18 November 2017

#BookReview Dark Screams: Volume Seven by Brian James Freeman @DelReyBooks @Marablaise

Dark Screams: Volume Seven by Brian James Freeman
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Robert McCammon, James Renner, Kaaron Warren, Brian Hodge, Bill Schweigart, and Mick Garris reveal sinister secrets and unsavory pasts in a haunting anthology of short stories collected by acclaimed horror editors Brian James Freeman and Richard Chizmar.

LIZARDMAN by Robert McCammon
The lizardman thinks he knows about all the mysterious dangers of the Florida swamps, but there are things lurking in the bayou that are older and deadlier than his wildest dreams.

Although every child dreams of visiting Hundred Acre Wood, only one has ever actually frolicked in that fabled forest—and survived.

FURTHEREST by Kaaron Warren
She’s been going to the beach since she was a child, daring the other kids to go out past the dunes where those boys died all those years ago. Now she realizes that the farther out you go, the harder it is to come back.

After the success of their latest album, Sebastián, Sofia, and Enrique head to Mexico for a shoot under the statue of Santa Muerte. But they have fans south of the border who’d kill to know where they get their inspiration.

THE EXPEDITION by Bill Schweigart
On a quest to bring glory to the Führer, Lieutenant Dietrich Drexler leads his team into the ruins of the Carpathian Mountains. But the wolf that’s stalking them is no ordinary predator.

SNOW SHADOWS by Mick Garris
A schoolteacher’s impulsive tryst with a colleague becomes a haunting lesson in tragedy and terror when he’s targeted for revenge by an unlikely, unhinged rival.


This collection of short stories had more misses than hits for me. Frankly, there was just one story that I truly enjoyed and that was A Monsters Comes to Ashdown Forest. There is just something so chilling when it comes to a horror tales about beloved figures from children's books. This tale was haunting and really good and I wished the rest had been as good.  - 4 stars to this tale!

Then we have Lizardman and The Expeditions. They were OK, not as good as A Monsters Comes to Ashdown Forest, but they didn't bore me and had an interesting story to tell. What they lacked, however, were any chilling feeling. - 3 stars to these tales.

Finally, at the bottom, we have Furtherest, West of Matamoros, North of Hell and Snow Shadows. These three stories really didn't work for me. When a short story feels too long then you know you have a problem. Furtherest was just odd and not in a good way. I was bored reading that one. West of Matamoros, North of Hell could have been interesting, with the Santa Muerte theme. But, it was just a long short story that I couldn't wait to get through. And then we have Snow Shadows. I just don't see the point of adding this story to this collection? Now the other two at least felt like they belonged in this collection (even though I didn't enjoy them). But, this story? Sure, it seems like there is some kind of ghost thing going one, but it was lacking anything remotely chilling or thrilling. - 1 star to these stories. 

There we have it. Not the best collections I've read, although I need to check up James Renner's work.

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review!

Friday 17 November 2017

#BookReview The Innkeeper's Sister by Linda Goodnight (@LindaGoodnight) @HarlequinBooks @MaraBlaise

The Innkeeper's Sister by Linda Goodnight
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Welcome to Honey Ridge, Tennessee, where Southern hospitality and sweet peach tea beckon, and where long-buried secrets lead to some startling realizations…

Grayson Blake always has a purpose-and never a moment to lose. He's come home to Honey Ridge to convert a historic gristmill into a restaurant, but his plans crumble like Tennessee clay when the excavation of a skeleton unearths a Civil War mystery…and leads him back to a beautiful and familiar stranger.

Once a ballet dancer, now co-owner of the Peach Orchard Inn, Valery Carter harbors pain as deep as the secrets buried beneath the mill. A bright facade can't erase her regrets any more than a glass of bourbon can restore what she's lost. But spending time with Grayson offers Valery a chance to let go of her past and imagine a happier future. And with the discovery of hidden messages in aged sheet music, both their hearts begin to open. Bound by attraction, and compelled to resolve an old crime that links the inn and the mill, Grayson and Valery encounter a song of hurt, truth…and hope.


To be honest I'm more of a horror fan than a romance fan. However, I do have one weakness. I love reading books set in the American South and I don't even mind romance that much if I get a good mystery and that was what appealed to me with this book. 

A skeleton found that dates back to the Civil War. I was curious and I wanted to know more. Now, this is the third book in a series, I haven't read the previous two books, but that doesn't hinder one from enjoying this book. If you are anything like me will you probably be eager to get the two books after finishing this one.

Now, the story isn't filled with that many surprises. It was easy to figure out most of what would happen next. However, it's an enjoyable book. Sure, I had moments when I thought the drama between Grayson and Valery dragged out a bit. I mean I wanted to know more about the skeleton from the Civil War not the skeletons from Valery's past. Or rather, it was not hard to figure out what she was hiding and I just wanted her to tell Grayson. But, then again she's a southern belle, and her mama has sworn her never to talk about her problems. Because, you never talk about your problems, you drink instead.

There is also parallel storyline from just after the Civil War about the family that used to live at Peach Orchard Inn before it was an inn and just a farm and I quite enjoyed the back and forth between the present story and the one in the past. Now I just want to know what happened to Valery's nephew that went missing years before. Hopefully, a book in this series will deal with that. 

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review!

#BookReview The Designer by Marius Gabriel (@Scribbler4Bread) @AmazonPub @Marablaise

The Designer by Marius Gabriel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In 1944, newly married Copper Reilly arrives in Paris soon after the liberation. While the city celebrates its freedom, she’s stuck in the prison of an unhappy marriage. When her husband commits one betrayal too many, Copper demands a separation.

Alone in Paris, she finds an unlikely new friend: an obscure, middle-aged designer from the back rooms of a decaying fashion house whose timid nature and reluctance for fame clash with the bold brilliance of his designs. His name is Christian Dior.

Realising his genius, Copper urges Dior to strike out on his own, helping to pull him away from his insecurities and towards stardom. With just a camera and a typewriter, she takes her own advice and ventures into the wild and colourful world of fashion journalism.

Soon Copper finds herself torn between two very different suitors, questioning who she is and what she truly wants. As the city rebuilds and opulence returns, can Copper make a new, love-filled life for herself?


It was the mentioning of Christian Dior that made me curious to read the book. Well, not only that, but I was intrigued by the fact that the main character, Copper, strikes up a friendship with the well-known fashion designer. A man I know next to nothing about.

The book took me by surprise, at first I thought this would be the usual woman finds herself and has to choose between two men. But, yeah Copper does leave her husband after he has one affair too many, but after that, her life takes a pretty drastic turn as she tries to fulfill her dream as a journalist. Her friendship with Dior is a strong point in her life and I loved how to book introduced all the bohemian artist, painters writers, etc. that are living in Paris at the time. A lot of name dropping (in a good way) and I love how Copper embraces the bohemian world. And, there is love waiting around the corner, two very different people enter her life and both stir feeling inside her. But, who will win her heart? Or rather, will she sacrifice her new-won freedom she gained after her divorce? I was engrossed in the story and I really enjoyed reading about Copper's life in Paris.

The Designer is a fabulous book. I loved reading about Paris after the liberation, how the city slowly tries to return to normal after the occupations. But, there is unrest in the city and collaborators are frowned and often roughly treated.And, the war is yet over. This part of the book, everything going on that concerns the war added a deeper layer to the story. The Germans may have left the city, but the memory of their occupations is a deep wound.

I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through NetGalley for an honest review!

Thursday 16 November 2017

#Giveaway Novel Expressions Book Promotions & Blog Tours is giving away a $100 AMAZON GIFT CARD! @Layeredpages @FCBookReviews @MaraBlaise

Novel Expressions Book Promotions & Blog Tours is giving away a $100 AMAZON GIFT CARD!

There are just a few things you need to do to qualify to win:
To enter you need to do ALL of the following: 
1. Like and follow Novel Expressions on Facebook
2. Like this global giveaway post.

Additional entries may be earned by doing the following: 
1. Comment below.
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3. Sharing this post.

Giveaway will be open through December 15th and the winner will be announced December 16th!

#CoverCrush The Other Lady Vanishes by Amanda Quick @Marablaise

For new visitors do I want to explain that Cover Crush is something that my friend Erin over at Flashlight Commentary came up with and I adopted the idea together with some other friends. And, now we try to put up a Cover Crush every week. You can check below my pick of the week for their choices this week!

The New York Times bestselling author of The Girl Who Knew Too Much sweeps readers back to 1930s California—where the most dazzling of illusions can’t hide the darkest secrets…

After escaping from a private sanitarium, Adelaide Blake arrives in Burning Cove, California, desperate to start over.

Working at an herbal tea shop puts her on the radar of those who frequent the seaside resort town: Hollywood movers and shakers always in need of hangover cures and tonics. One such customer is Jake Truett, a recently widowed businessman in town for a therapeutic rest. But unbeknownst to Adelaide, his exhaustion is just a cover.

In Burning Cove, no one is who they seem. Behind facades of glamour and power hide drug dealers, gangsters, and grifters. Into this make-believe world comes psychic to the stars Madame Zolanda. Adelaide and Jake know better than to fall for her kind of con. But when the medium becomes a victim of her own dire prediction and is killed, they’ll be drawn into a murky world of duplicity and misdirection.

Neither Adelaide or Jake can predict that in the shadowy underground they’ll find connections to the woman Adelaide used to be—and uncover the specter of a killer who’s been real all along…

Some thoughts about the cover:

This is a cover that really suits the 30s theme of the book. Love the bright colors and the young lady with the teacup adds to the charm.

Check out what my friends have picked for Cover Crush's this week:

Stephanie @ Layered Pages

#BookReview De sju systrarna (The Seven Sisters) by Lucinda Riley (@lucindariley) @BazarforlagSE @Marablaise

The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars


Äntligen i Sverige - första boken i romansviten om adoptivsystrarna som älskas över hela världen!

Maia D'Aplièse och hennes fem adoptivsystrar samlas i sitt barndomshem Atlantis, ett vackert slott vid Genevasjöns kust, efter att deras adoptivfar, den mystiske miljardären Pa Salt, har gått bort. Underligt nog har han redan begravts till havs, men varje syster tilldelas varsin ledtråd som ska vägleda henne i sökandet efter sitt ursprung.

Maias ledtråd leder henne till en förfallen herrgård i Rio de Janeiro. Väl där börjar hon lägga samman pusselbitarna.

Åttio år tidigare, 1927, under Rios Belle Epoque, planerar Izabela Bonifacios far för hennes giftermål in i aristokratin. Under tiden arbetar arkitekten Heitor da Silva Costa på en kristusstaty som ska kallas Cristo Redentor och behöver resa till Paris för att finna den rätta skulptören som kan färdigställa hans verk. Den äventyrslystna och passionerade Izabela övertalar sin far att låta henne följa med Heitor och hans familj till Europa innan sitt giftermål. Där, i Paul Landowskis studio utanför Paris och på de intima kaféerna i Montparnasse träffar hon den unga och ambitiösa skulptören Laurent Brouilly, och genast vet hon att hennes liv aldrig kommer bli sig likt.

De sju systrarna är den första boken i en unik, förtrollande serie om sju böcker baserad på legenden om Plejaderna, de sju systrarnas stjärnkonstellation, och Lucinda Riley visar sin talang för historieberättande som aldrig förut. Rättigheterna till en tv-serie har köpts.


Jag har verkligen sett fram emot att läsa denna serie. Jag har tidigare läst två böcker av Lucinda Riley varav en från denna serie (på engelska) och jag har verkligen längtat att få läsa den första boken. Att få följa den äldsta systern, Maia, på hennes färd att få reda på sitt förflutna. Jag älskar verkligen böcker med två olika parallella handlingar, en nutida och en dåtida och jag blev verkligen betagen i båda berättelserna i denna bok.

Maias berättelse tar oss till nutida Rio de Janeiro, till en förfallen herrgård och en äldre dam som inte vill ha något med henne att göra. Men hon ger inte upp, tillsammans med en författare som hon översatt en bok för så börjar hon pussla samman ledtrådarna till hennes förflutna, men det är först när hon får tag på gamla brev som sanningen börjar uppenbara sig och hon kan gå till botten angående adoptionen av henne. I breven får hon reda på vad som hände 80 år tidigare i Rio de Janeiro, då den unga Izabela Bonifacios slets mellan att följa sitt hjärta och att lyda sin familj.

De sju systrarna är en fantastisk bok. Något som jag märkt tidigare är att Lucinda Riley är otroligt bra på att skriva så inlevelsefullt att man kan verkligen se allting framför sig. I denna bok så beskriver hon Rio de Janeiro så målande att det känns som om jag vore där. Jag var inte alls insatt i själva bygget av kristusstatyn i staden och att använda sig av det som grund för en kärlekshistoria var verkligen underbart. Jag fann boken mycket bra och jag ser fram emot att få läsa nästa bok och följa nästa syster på hennes äventyr.

Tack till Bazar Förlag för recensionexemplaret!


Maia D’Apliese and her five sisters gather together at their childhood home, “Atlantis”—a fabulous, secluded castle situated on the shores of Lake Geneva—having been told that their beloved father, who adopted them all as babies, has died. Each of them is handed a tantalizing clue to her true heritage—a clue which takes Maia across the world to a crumbling mansion in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Once there, she begins to put together the pieces of her story and its beginnings.

Eighty years earlier in Rio’s Belle Epoque of the 1920s, Izabela Bonifacio’s father has aspirations for his daughter to marry into the aristocracy. Meanwhile, architect Heitor da Silva Costa is devising plans for an enormous statue, to be called Christ the Redeemer, and will soon travel to Paris to find the right sculptor to complete his vision. Izabela—passionate and longing to see the world—convinces her father to allow her to accompany him and his family to Europe before she is married. There, at Paul Landowski’s studio and in the heady, vibrant cafes of Montparnasse, she meets ambitious young sculptor Laurent Brouilly, and knows at once that her life will never be the same again.

In this sweeping, epic tale of love and loss—the first in a unique, spellbinding series of seven novels—Lucinda Riley showcases her storytelling talent like never before.


I have really looked forward to reading this series. I have previously read two books by Lucinda Riley, one of them from this series (in English) and I really wanted to read the first book. I wanted to follow the oldest sister, Maia, on her journey to find out about her past. I really love books with two different parallel stories, one present and one in the past and I was really taken by both stories in this book.

Maia's story takes us to contemporary Rio de Janeiro, to a dilapidated mansion and an elderly lady who does not want anything with her to do. However, Maia does not give up, along with a writer who she has translated a book for, does she start to go through the clues to the past, but it's only when she gets some old letters that she finally will get to the bottom of the mystery of her adoption. In the letters, she finds out what happened 80 years earlier in Rio de Janeiro, when the young Izabela Bonifacios was torn between following her heart and obeying her family.

The Seven Sisters is a wonderful book. Something that I noticed before is that Lucinda Riley is incredibly good at writing so compelling that you can really see everything in front of you. In this book, is she describing Rio de Janeiro so marvelous that it feels like I'm there. I had no previous knowledge of the construction of the Cristo Redentor statue in the city and making use of it as the basis for a love story was truly wonderful. I found the book very good and I look forward to reading the next book and following the next sister on her adventure.

Thanks to Bazar Förlag for the review copy!

Wednesday 15 November 2017

#BlogTour Lay Me to Rest by E.A. Clark (@EAClarkAuthor) @rararesources @Marablaise

Lay Me to Rest by E.A. Clark
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Some secrets never stay buried for long…

Devastated by the death of her husband, Annie Philips is shocked to discover she is pregnant with his unborn child. Hoping for a fresh start, she travels to a remote stone cottage in Anglesey, amidst the white-capped mountains of North Wales.

She settles in quickly, helped by her mysterious new neighbour, Peter. But everything changes when Annie discovers a small wooden box, inlaid with brass and mother-of-pearl. A box she was never supposed to find…

Annie soon realises that she isn’t alone in the cottage. And now she’s trapped. Can she escape the nightmare that she has awoken, or will the dark forces surrounding the house claim her life – and that of her baby?

A gripping thriller from E. A. Clark, perfect for fans of Kerri Wilkinson, Sarah Wray and Stella Duffy. You won’t be able to put it down!

Purchase from Amazon UK:


Ghost stories are something that I truly enjoy reading. The description of Lay Me to Rest instantly appealed to me. The book did turn out to be a bit different than I expected, less sinister and more tragic. I think I just imagined more evil things when I read about Annie finding a small wooden box that isn't supposed to be found. I guess my mind went directly to more sinister things when I read the blurb. However, there are still ghosts in the book. Plenty of them and Annie seems to be a catalyst that will not only bring them forth, but also be the one that could put them to rest.

Lay Me to Rest is the first book in the series about Annie Philips (at least I hope is a series since the book ended with a cliffhanger). She's recently widowed and has found herself not only bereft of her husband, but pregnant with his child. Through the book will we learn more about what happened to him and that their marriage was not at the strongest point when he died. Personally, do I think that this is one of the strongest points of the book, showing how Annie was before her husband died. She's not only grieving for her husband, she is also feeling guilty. And, now she has gone away for a while to find herself, but instead, she finds herself in a haunted house.

The story is interesting, although I did find it a bit predictable now and then. However, I was a bit surprised over some of the things that happened. But, it just shows that you don't really know what's hiding behind a person's facade. What thrilled me was the ending that it was not over for Annie, that this seeing ghost thing seems to be the start. It's why I hope there will be more books.    


E. A. Clark lives in the Midlands with her husband and son, plus a rather temperamental cat, a rabbit and a chinchilla. She has three (now grown-up) children and five grandchildren. She is particularly partial to Italian food, decent red wine (or any coloured wine come to that …) and cake – and has been known to over-indulge in each on occasions.

She has a penchant for visiting old graveyards and speculating on the demise of those entombed beneath. Whilst she has written short stories and poetry for many years, a lifelong fascination with all things paranormal has culminated in her first novel for adults, Lay Me to Rest. The setting is inspired by her love of Wales, owing to her father’s Celtic roots.

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