Sunday 2 October 2016

Blog Tour: The Million Dollar Blog by Natasha Courtenay-Smith

The Million Dollar Blog
by Natasha Courtenay-Smith

In a world where everyone wants to blog and blog posts are ubiquitous, how do you stand out? How do you blog your way from nobody to somebody? How do you, as a business owner, use content to build your brand and drive your success?

Blogging has become the ‘it’ career of the modern world and every business knows that blogging should be an integral part of their marketing and success, but it’s actually never been tougher to be shine in the digital storytelling landscape.

No matter who are you – a mum at home, a budding fashion blogger or a small business owner –The Million Dollar Blog will be your ultimate guide to starting a successful blog or taking your existing blog to the next level.

Through a combination of practical advice and interviews with some of the world’s most famous and successful bloggers, vloggers and content strategists, including Seth Godin, Lily Pebbles, Grant Cardone and Madeleine Shaw, entrepreneur and digital strategist Natasha Courtenay Smith shows you how to build a blog that will increase your profile, create new opportunities, earn money and change your life.

This is not a review

You have been warned, this is not me reviewing this book. Instead, will you get a not too long text about my experience about blogging. If you know me or read the info about me on my intro page do you know that I'm Swedish.  I've been active book blogging since 2014 when I started my first book blog It's a Mad Mad World (still running, just not updated that often nowadays). And, it was like a whole new world for me. Reading and reviewing have never been a big thing for me or at least reviewing. 

I had done a bit of reviewing on Swedish the years leading up to me joining Goodreads and starting my own blog, but never really quite as serious as review book nowadays. And, to be honest, my early review are not the best, not really good written and when I went through some of them just the other day was I almost tempted to remove them. But, they are also part of my growing as a book blogger. Something to look back on and seeing how I have grown as a blogger. And, that's something I want to tell you all, especially if you are new. Don't give up, keep on writing and write reviews from the heart. I rather read a passionate short review than a long dispassionate one that feels like a thesis. If you love a book, write it down, if you hate a book write it down. Don't dissect a book in a review and for God's sake don't spoil anything!

I'm not doing this to earn money, sure I do get a lot of books, but I still need a daily job to survive. It doesn't bother me, well sometimes having to work when I want to read is a bit tough. But, as I see it. I have a great hobby. I love reading books. I love how reading and reviewing books have gotten me friends all over the world. And, most of all it has made me very happy.

So, I'm going to end this little chat with a tip. Don't overdo it. Know your limits, and don't agree to read and review every book you are offered just because it's free. Be picky, but also be courteous. Be picky, but also be courteous. Don't feel like you have to participate in every book blog, or request everything you see on NetGalley or Edelweiss. And if you manage this, well then you're stronger than me! ;)

I want to thank Piatkus for providing me with a copy of The Million Dollar Blog and for the chance of writing about my experience with book blogging! 

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