My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Misstankarna riktas mot städerskan som hittade den mördade pojken. Eller är det den baltiske gästarbetaren som grips på bar gärning under ett inbrott? Fast besluten om att lösa fallet tar Emma saken i egna händer och försätter därigenom både sig själv och andra i livsfara.
Syndabocken är den fristående sjätte delen i den omtyckta serien om kriminalinspektör Emma Sköld. Det är en fängslande samtidsdeckare om lögner, hemligheter och hämnd. Hur förödande kan det bli om du förvränger sanningen?
Jag har bara läst en bok tidigare i serien om Emma Sköld, och det är Tiggaren boken innan denna. Jag tyckte mycket om Tiggaren så jag var intresserad av att läsa Syndabocken. Det tog lite tid för mig att komma ihåg karaktärerna då det var ett tag sedan jag läste Tiggaren. Men 50-öringen lossnade inom kort och själva berättelsen var lätt att fastna för.
Inbrottsvågen som sker i Bromma var intressant att följa. Speciellt näthatet i samband med inbrotten. Brommaborna har sitt eget forum på nätet där hatet får råda. Emmas syster som vanligtviv bor i Bromma men som nu bor i Malta medan Emma har hennes hus följer med stigande oro det som sker genom forumet och samtal med Emma. Emma själv har personliga problem då hennes kollega tillika pojkvän vill gifta sig med henne. Men hon är osäker och det påverkar både ders privatliv samt arbete.
Syndabocken är en bok som belyser rasism och fördomar. När brott sker är det invandrare som ligger bakom det och hatet är speciellt stort på nätet. Detta är något som jag tycker verkligen speglar verkligenheten vi lever i idag. Boken är en riktig bladvändare och jag verkligen älskade slutet och ser fram emot att få läsa nästa bok i serien.
Tack till Bookmarks förlag för recensionsexemplaret!
A lot of burglaries are happening in the wealthy Stockholm suburb of Bromma, and the methods the thieves are using are getting worse. The idyll is truly shaken when a teenage boy is murdered. Emma Shield is the one that is leading the investigation. Could there be a cause of a burglary going wrong?
The suspicions are directed at the cleaning lady who found the murdered boy. Or is it the Baltic guest worker arrested during a burglary not long after the murder? Deciding to resolve the case, Emma takes the matter into her own hands, thereby putting herself and others in danger.
The Scapegoat is the independent sixth part of the popular series of detective Emma Sköld. It's a captivating contemporary crime novel about lies, secrets, and revenge. How devastating can the effects be it be if you distort the truth?
I have just read a book earlier in the series about Emma Sköld, and it is The Beggar, book before this one. I loved reading that that book so I was interested in reading the Scapegoat. It took some time for me to remember the characters since it was a while since I read The Beggar. But I soon placed them all and their past stories and the story itself was easy to get caught up with.
The burglary wave that takes place in Bromma was interesting to follow. Especially the online hate in connection with the crimes. Bromma has its own forum on the internet where the citizens of Bromma can write anything they want and much of it is hatred towards immigrants. Emma's sister, who usually lives in Bromma but now lives in Malta while Emma has her house is watching with increasing concern about what is happening through the forum and conversation with Emma. Emma herself has personal problems when her colleague who is also her boyfriend wants them to marry. However, she is uncertain and it affects both her private life and work.
The Scapegoat is a book that highlights racism and bigotry. When crimes occur, is the view that it is immigrants behind it and the hate is especially big online. This I felt truly reflects the world today. The book is a pageturner and I really loved the ending of the book and look forward to reading the next book in the series.
Thanks to Bookmarks förlag for the review copy!
Inbrottsvågen som sker i Bromma var intressant att följa. Speciellt näthatet i samband med inbrotten. Brommaborna har sitt eget forum på nätet där hatet får råda. Emmas syster som vanligtviv bor i Bromma men som nu bor i Malta medan Emma har hennes hus följer med stigande oro det som sker genom forumet och samtal med Emma. Emma själv har personliga problem då hennes kollega tillika pojkvän vill gifta sig med henne. Men hon är osäker och det påverkar både ders privatliv samt arbete.
Syndabocken är en bok som belyser rasism och fördomar. När brott sker är det invandrare som ligger bakom det och hatet är speciellt stort på nätet. Detta är något som jag tycker verkligen speglar verkligenheten vi lever i idag. Boken är en riktig bladvändare och jag verkligen älskade slutet och ser fram emot att få läsa nästa bok i serien.
Tack till Bookmarks förlag för recensionsexemplaret!
A lot of burglaries are happening in the wealthy Stockholm suburb of Bromma, and the methods the thieves are using are getting worse. The idyll is truly shaken when a teenage boy is murdered. Emma Shield is the one that is leading the investigation. Could there be a cause of a burglary going wrong?
The suspicions are directed at the cleaning lady who found the murdered boy. Or is it the Baltic guest worker arrested during a burglary not long after the murder? Deciding to resolve the case, Emma takes the matter into her own hands, thereby putting herself and others in danger.
The Scapegoat is the independent sixth part of the popular series of detective Emma Sköld. It's a captivating contemporary crime novel about lies, secrets, and revenge. How devastating can the effects be it be if you distort the truth?
I have just read a book earlier in the series about Emma Sköld, and it is The Beggar, book before this one. I loved reading that that book so I was interested in reading the Scapegoat. It took some time for me to remember the characters since it was a while since I read The Beggar. But I soon placed them all and their past stories and the story itself was easy to get caught up with.
The burglary wave that takes place in Bromma was interesting to follow. Especially the online hate in connection with the crimes. Bromma has its own forum on the internet where the citizens of Bromma can write anything they want and much of it is hatred towards immigrants. Emma's sister, who usually lives in Bromma but now lives in Malta while Emma has her house is watching with increasing concern about what is happening through the forum and conversation with Emma. Emma herself has personal problems when her colleague who is also her boyfriend wants them to marry. However, she is uncertain and it affects both her private life and work.
The Scapegoat is a book that highlights racism and bigotry. When crimes occur, is the view that it is immigrants behind it and the hate is especially big online. This I felt truly reflects the world today. The book is a pageturner and I really loved the ending of the book and look forward to reading the next book in the series.
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