My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Tre tidsperspektiv. Två generationer. En hemlighet.
Det är 1989 och Alex är på ett ödesdigert besök hos sina morföräldrar. Det är något som inte stämmer och han kan inte förstå vad som har orsakat sprickan som ekar mellan väggarna.
Det är 2018 och Alex kommer av en slump sin mormors hemliga kärlekshistoria från 1932 på spåren. Ett brev ger honom svaren som han inte visste att han har spenderat ett helt liv att söka efter. Frågan är om han är redo att konfrontera det som kan vara roten till släktens mörker.
Med skicklig hand väver Schulman samman en berättelse som överskrider både tid och rum. Det är en gripande och djupt personlig skildring av identitet, familj och hur en händelse kan skapa svallvågor som går genom generationer.
Handlingen i Bränn alla mina brev är både sorglig och grym. Men stundtals är den också väldigt vacker som när man läser om det förälskade paret. Innan allting går fel. Jag fullständigt slukade boken och jag kan inget annat säga att den verkligen gjorde ett intryck på mig. Detta biografiska verk är ett måste att läsa och jag bara måste läsa Alex Schulmans andra böcker.
Tack till Bookmarks förlag för recensionsexemplaret!
Three points of views. Two generations. A secret.
It is 1989 and Alex is on a fateful visit to his grandparents. It is something that is not right and he cannot understand what has caused the crack that echoes between the walls.
It is 2018 and Alex comes by chance his grandmother's secret love story from 1932. A letter gives him the answers he didn't know he has spent a whole life searching for. The question is whether he is ready to confront what may be the root of the family's darkness.
With a skillful hand, Schulman weaves together a story that transcends both time and space. It is a poignant and deeply personal portrayal of identity, family, and how an event can create waves that pass through generations.
I love reading about forbidden love stories. And, the best ones are the ones that are true. Like the one Alex Schulman discovered when he examined his roots. His grandmother Karin fell in love with another man and this affair came to define her entire life and future generations. In the book, you can read about Alex's childhood, what he remembers of his grandparents as well as his pondering as an adult. About where his anger comes from. We also get an insight into Karin Stolpes and Olof Lagercrantz's love story.
Three points of views. Two generations. A secret.
It is 1989 and Alex is on a fateful visit to his grandparents. It is something that is not right and he cannot understand what has caused the crack that echoes between the walls.
It is 2018 and Alex comes by chance his grandmother's secret love story from 1932. A letter gives him the answers he didn't know he has spent a whole life searching for. The question is whether he is ready to confront what may be the root of the family's darkness.
With a skillful hand, Schulman weaves together a story that transcends both time and space. It is a poignant and deeply personal portrayal of identity, family, and how an event can create waves that pass through generations.
The story in Burn All My Letters is both sad and cruel. But sometimes it is also very beautiful, like when one read about the two lovers. Before everything goes wrong. I completely devoured the book and it really made an impression on me. This biographical work is a must to read and I just must read Alex Schulman's other books.
Thanks to Bookmarks förlag for the review copy!
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