My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Spänningens mästare levererar en chockerande thriller om lögnens makt och förbannelse.
Främlingen dyker upp från ingenstans. Hans identitet och motiv är okända. Men informationen han bär på är obestridlig. Han viskar några ord i ditt öra och försvinner medan din värld rasar samman. Adam Price är gift med en vacker kvinna, har två underbara söner, ett välbetalt jobb och ett stort hus. Han har ett perfekt liv tills han möter främlingen. Snart inser Adam att hans äktenskap är baserat på en mörk lögn, och han dras in i en konspiration där människoliv står på spel.
Främlingen skildrar på ett skrämmande sätt vilka krafter som kan släppas lösa när den lögn som våra liv bygger på plötsligt avslöjas. Det är en mörk thriller om människans behov att uppnå sina mål till vilket pris som helst.
Nu vill jag inte på något sätt avslöja handlingen i denna bok, Främlingen är en bok som bör läsas utan tidigare vetskap om vad som kommer att hända. Men jag vill poängtera att boken är oerhört intressant och att Harlan Cobens förmåga att skapa intressanta karaktärer är som vanligt på topp. Jag läste nästan klart boken samma dag jag fick boken, men tyvärr var jag tvungen att arbeta dagen efter så jag fick vänta med slutet till dagen efter. Det enda med boken jag saknade var ett mer wow slut. Inte för att slutet på något sätt var dåligt, men jag kände att det saknade det lilla extra.
Främlingen kan sälla sig till resten av Harlan Cobens grupp av fantastiska thrillers. Personligen så anser jag att om man ska välja en thrillerförfattare att läsa så är Coben val nummer 1!
Tack till Bookmarks förlag för recensionsexemplaret!
The Stranger appears out of nowhere, perhaps in a bar, or a parking lot, or at the grocery store. His identity is unknown. His motives are unclear. His information is undeniable. Then he whispers a few words in your ear and disappears, leaving you picking up the pieces of your shattered world.
Adam Price has a lot to lose: a comfortable marriage to a beautiful woman, two wonderful sons, and all the trappings of the American Dream - a big house, a good job, a seemingly perfect life.
Then he runs into the Stranger. When he learns a devastating secret about his wife, Corrine, he confronts her, and the mirage of perfection disappears as if it never existed at all. Soon Adam finds himself tangled in something far darker than even Corrine's deception, and realises that if he doesn't make exactly the right moves, the conspiracy he's stumbled into will not only ruin lives - it will end them.
Harlan Coben has once again done it! I have a feeling I could start any review with that when it comes to Coben's books. But, then again Harlan Coben is one of my favorite writers and there is a very good reason for it and that is his ability to over and over write great books. The Stranger is no exception, it starts tremendously good with a stranger telling Adam Price a secret that Adam's wife has and Adam do not want to believe the stranger's words, but slowly it is poisoning it his mind and finally he must confront her and that becomes the start of an exciting and intriguing thriller.
Now I will not in any way reveal the plot of this book, the Stranger is a book that should be read with no prior knowledge of what was going to happen. But I want to point out that the book is extremely interesting and Harlan Coben's ability to create interesting characters are as usual on top. I almost finished the book the same day I got it, but unfortunately, I had to work the day after so I had to wait to finish it to the day after. The only thing with the book that I felt was missing was a more wow ending. Not that the end was somehow bad, but I felt it lacked that little extra.
The Stranger can join the rest of Harlan Coben's group of amazing thrillers. Personally, I think that if you have to choose a thriller writer to read is so Coben choice number 1!
The Stranger appears out of nowhere, perhaps in a bar, or a parking lot, or at the grocery store. His identity is unknown. His motives are unclear. His information is undeniable. Then he whispers a few words in your ear and disappears, leaving you picking up the pieces of your shattered world.
Adam Price has a lot to lose: a comfortable marriage to a beautiful woman, two wonderful sons, and all the trappings of the American Dream - a big house, a good job, a seemingly perfect life.
Then he runs into the Stranger. When he learns a devastating secret about his wife, Corrine, he confronts her, and the mirage of perfection disappears as if it never existed at all. Soon Adam finds himself tangled in something far darker than even Corrine's deception, and realises that if he doesn't make exactly the right moves, the conspiracy he's stumbled into will not only ruin lives - it will end them.
Harlan Coben has once again done it! I have a feeling I could start any review with that when it comes to Coben's books. But, then again Harlan Coben is one of my favorite writers and there is a very good reason for it and that is his ability to over and over write great books. The Stranger is no exception, it starts tremendously good with a stranger telling Adam Price a secret that Adam's wife has and Adam do not want to believe the stranger's words, but slowly it is poisoning it his mind and finally he must confront her and that becomes the start of an exciting and intriguing thriller.
Now I will not in any way reveal the plot of this book, the Stranger is a book that should be read with no prior knowledge of what was going to happen. But I want to point out that the book is extremely interesting and Harlan Coben's ability to create interesting characters are as usual on top. I almost finished the book the same day I got it, but unfortunately, I had to work the day after so I had to wait to finish it to the day after. The only thing with the book that I felt was missing was a more wow ending. Not that the end was somehow bad, but I felt it lacked that little extra.
The Stranger can join the rest of Harlan Coben's group of amazing thrillers. Personally, I think that if you have to choose a thriller writer to read is so Coben choice number 1!
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