Sunday 6 March 2016

Saga, Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan

Saga, Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Star-crossed lovers Marko and Alana and their baby Hazel are still on the run in Saga, Volume 2. In this volume, we also get a chance to get to know Marko's parents and of course there is a lot of action going since Marko and Alana are still being hunted across the universe.


It has actually taken me quite a long time to read this volume. I bought it last summer and I have just dragged out reading it since I knew that as soon as I read it would I want the next volume to read. And, I have been trying to be frugal so it has been sitting on a shelf for a long time. Also, quite a lot of books have come between, I have a tendency to read more on my iPad than the books I buy...

How was the volume? I can honestly say that this is one of the best series I have ever read when it comes to graphic novels. The art and the story both rocks my socks. It's science fiction, with adventure and romance, strange creature and sweet moments. And, it totally surprising and absolutely nothing that children should read. I mean there are some pretty graphic images in the volume so letting this one or any of the other volumes lying around is probably a bad idea if you have curious children.

There are many great moments in the volume, both funny and sad ones. And, I think it's time for me to check up volume 3...

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