A gripping blend of science-fiction, steam and cyber punk, Sphere’s Divide III: Tragedies of Emotion is the third instalment of J C Norman’s fantastical series.
I am also a man of martial arts and have been studying karate since I was 16. I still train twice a week or more and again love the idea that it is a practise no-one can ever master and you better yourself and learn with every lesson.
I started writing my current series in October of 2009 and as the years went by the series became bigger and better as I learned more over the years.
It started as a means of taking my mind away from a break-up that I still am scarred by today but soon I found that I could use my own emotions and experiences and use them in my stories to give more depth to the characters. Turning something negative in my life and turning it into something productive. Even today I now write as a means of escaping from my reality and instead create something everyone can enjoy and relate to. It is an amazing feeling when you have an idea stuck in your mind for years, and one day someone can sit down and discuss your idea as they would for any of their favourite books, shows etc. This is what I have always hoped to achieve with my writing, that one day many people will find enjoyment and inspiration from something that started off to me as only a dream and a means of escape.
I take my inspirations from various forms, from screenplays to books, video games, graphic novels, manga, stage plays, animations, but also of music, history and science like the natural world and astronomy as well as my own experience and knowledge of martial arts and love to mix all these things together to make fun and exciting stories.
With many different genres and ideas I would like to try also I have no intention of stopping writing any time soon and will continue on trying to perfect my art and keeping my mind focused on moving forward.
With a life full of routine and vices I feel liberated every time I write and enjoy creating something fun to colour the monotony of everyday life.

About the Author
J.C. Norman grew up and currently lives in Milton Keynes Village in the UK where he works in the food industry. He has studied martial arts all his life and has worked to incorporate this experience into his writing. The first book in his Sphere’s Divide series was re-published by Clink Street Publishing in 2015 and the second was publishing by Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd.
Youtube Video – scene of argument between Joel and Ellie, in The Last of Us, which JC Norman wants to share as an example of great story telling in a format or genre you may not think about otherwise - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCGNGWUQEwk
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