Wednesday 30 August 2017

Boutofbooks, blog tours and other stuff

BOUT OF BOOKS: Last week did I participate in Bout of Books 20 and to be honest did I hope to read more than I did. In the end, did I manage 7 books, 5 eARCs, and two books. And, I had hoped to read at least 10 eARCs.  But, I did have a bit of an unlucky start when I had some trouble getting into books, which led me to DNF 3 historical mystery books. At least my new strategy of not continues reading a book that doesn't appeal to me works.

Here are all the books I read:

BLOG TOURS: As of from now and all through what is left of this year will I not participate in more blog tours, other than the ones I already agree to do. The one exception if it is a book I had planned to read. Other than that will I focus on just reviewing my own books, from NetGalley, Edelweiss, Fresh Fiction and the through publishers. I just don't have time nor energy to do more blog tours and I don't want to have any more deadlines.

ON A PERSONAL NOTE: I'm working pretty hard right now, and as of 1 September will I be permanently employed. When I started to blog 2014 was I working as a temp and was called in when I needed to work, this all changed last summer when I started to work much more than before and as of this year have I not had much time off at all. This is one of the reasons why I won't do more blog tours. I just don't have time. Finding time to review is hard enough as it is.

So, this is what I had to say for now. I'm still love blogging and reading, but I don't want to burnout because of my tendency to say yes to blog tours despite feeling overwhelmed.

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