Thursday 11 August 2016

The Caveman by Jørn Lier Horst

The Caveman by Jørn Lier Horst
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Only three houses away from the policeman’s home, a man has been sitting dead in front of his television set for four months. There are no indications that anything criminal has taken place.

Viggo Hansen was a man nobody ever noticed, even though he lived in the midst of a close-knit community. His death doesn’t hit the headlines, but there is something about the case that catches the attention of William Wisting’s journalist daughter, Line, and she decides to write a newspaper article with a different twist for the festive season: the portrait of a completely anonymous and obscure person whose death goes unremarked and unmourned.

While Line embarks on her investigations, the police are notified about another death. A male corpse has been found in a forest clearing, and it appears that he has lain there for quite some time. An extremely unexpected discovery on the dead body triggers one of the most extensive manhunts in Norwegian police history. The only thing that can hinder the police in their work, is the media finding out what’s brewing.


The first book I read in this series was book Ordeal (book 10), so it was quite natural for me to read the previous book in the series since reading in opposite order is my thing apparently. Also, I wanted to know more about Line and her relationship with the FBI agent and more about the house that she had bought in book 10. So, reading this book felt like the right thing while I wait for book 11 to be translated into Swedish. 

And, as with the previous book was this book just as entertaining to read (or in this case listening to at work and reading at home). The story is interesting, with the finding of both the dead man in the house and the dead man in a forest clearing. Could these cases have something in common? But, the old man in the house dead a natural death ...or did he? The questions are many, and the book doesn't give away any answer too soon and I enjoyed listening/reading the book as the everything slowly unraveled. 

I'm quite fond of this series, despite having only read two books. I especially like that The Caveman doesn't only focus on William Wisting, but also follow his daughter Line as she is writing about the dead man in the house. I like this father & daughter "team". 

This book was especially interesting with FBI traveling to Norway since there seems to be an American serial killer loose in Norway. A killer that has been hiding out for decades and who hasn't stopped killing. It felt like a fresh idea, and I quite enjoyed reading about the Norwegian police working with FBI to track down a serial killer.

The Caveman was a good book and I look forward to reading the rest book the books in the series!

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