My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . .
Bestselling Star Wars veteran James Luceno gives Tarkin the Star Wars: Darth Plagueis treatment, bringing a legendary character from A New Hope to full, fascinating life.
It was a bit daunting to read a Star Wars book since it had been years since I read one and even though I still love Star Wars I just don’t watch the movie that often nowadays as I did when I was younger. Also, this book is about Tarkin, a character I never really cared about in the movie. But Darth Vader was on the cover also so that made this book seem a bit interesting to read.
But, I must say I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed reading the book. It's a really, really good. Yes, it had some part that was a bit tough to get through, space fighting isn’t my favorite reading material, I prefer watching it on the telly. On the plus side, it was well-written, not too much and it was necessary for the story.
In this book, we get the background story to Moff Tarkin, his childhood on Eriadu, his career to present time in the book when he is in charge of building the Death Star. But he must hunt, together with Darth Vader, down dissidents hell-bent on causing trouble for the Empire when a mission goes wrong and his ship Carrion Spike gets stolen.
As I said before this book was good so good in fact that I realized that I was rooting for Tarkin to win over the dissidents that he was chasing. I mean I know I had a weakness for Darth Vader since I was a child, but Tarkin? That felt odd. Now I’m not saying that he is good, he is not a misunderstood character. He is a firm believer in the Empire and he has done awful things. But James Luceno has written a so good portrait of Tarkin that you can see how he became the man he was when we for the first time met him on the Death Star.
If you are a fan of Star Wars then you should read this book.
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