My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Bullet in the Blue Sky by Bill Larkin on Tour August 1- September 30, 2016
In the chaotic aftermath of a massive earthquake that leveled much of the Los Angeles region, a LAPD deputy chief sends an elite team of detectives on a rescue mission. They are ordered to set aside all law enforcement duties, to ignore the destruction and to focus on one task: Find LAPD Detective Gavin Shaw, who disappeared just before the earthquake.Kevin “Schmitty” Schmidt of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department joins five others on the rescue team. With rioting, looting, attacks and homicides rampant in the streets, the six cops have to defend themselves while chasing down leads on the whereabouts of Shaw. The mission takes them through the dizzying war zone and the more they encounter, the more they wonder why they are searching for one man in these extreme circumstances. Why is this man so important to the deputy chief, and why now?
Schmitty discovers that others with high connections are also after Shaw. The questions pile even higher when they learn of a shadowy history between Shaw and the deputy chief. A history with deadly consequences for the team as they uncover a threat that elevates the mission to a race against time.
Book Details:
Genre: Crime Fiction
Published by: Indie
Publication Date: August 4th 2016
Number of Pages: 366
ISBN: 978-0-9894002-1-3
Purchase Links: Amazon Barnes & Noble Goodreads
I have to admit that the cover was the first thing that caught my eye. It's such a striking cover and together with the interesting description of the book did I feel that this is a book I just had to read.
One would think that LAPD would have much more important things to do after the earthquake than trying to find LAPD Detective Gavin Shaw. But, there is a pretty good reason for why he is needed to be found, but that is not revealed to the cops that are searching for him. However, finding the missing Shaw is turning out to be quite a challenge as they have to travel through a city filled with looters and gangs out for trouble.
I found the idea of this book interesting, and the plot felt quite refreshing new. I was curious to learn why Shaw was so important, more important than say trying to save lives instead. However, I found myself, despite enjoying the story not really warming up to all the characters in the book. Schmitty was neither that interesting nor memorable enough for my liking. And, I felt slightly detached from Schmitty and the rest of the cops plight in the city. It's hard to care for characters fate in a book if you feel that you don't get to know them that they fail to come alive.
However, there were some characters that I came to like a bit. Jenkins, Tallon, and Shaw worked for me and was the ones that I started to care for. I especially found the flashbacks to Jenkins and Shaw interesting to read. The conclusion to the book was OK, I would have liked to have been more in dark when it came to the identity of a certain character that was behind some events in the book. But, I must say that the reason for it all was not something that I had foreseen.
Nevertheless, I did enjoy reading the book. Sure, the plot was perhaps not that amazing that I had hoped for, but it was enjoyable to read and I would definitely recommend reading the book.
Read an excerpt:
The adjunct lieutenant moved into the conference room and stood behind Jenkins and off to the side. Jenkins now addressed our five–person team.
“Your orders are to find Detective Gavin Shaw. He’s a member of Major Crimes and I need him here or I need to know where he is. That’s it. Nothing more.”
As Jenkins paused, several of the detectives looked at each other. Anderson opened her mouth. “Is he—“
Jenkins put up a hand. “You are not, repeat not, to take on law enforcement duties. You are not out to arrest looters, answer radio calls, help firefighters, or anything else you think you ought to be doing. Your only assignment is to find Shaw. And find him as fast as you possibly can. Am I clear?”
“Can I ask the importance of Detective Shaw at this juncture?” Mata said.
“No, you may not. Find him and bring him to me.”
“A search-and-rescue mission?” Anderson said in a puzzled tone.
“Call it that, Anderson. Lieutenant Tallon is in charge and you’d better be aware of what you’re facing. This city is falling apart. Aside from the destruction, there are forty-five thousand gang members, and at least that same number of state parolees and felons on probation. Then there are the opportunists who will loot, burglarize, and kill without the police to stop them. That’s probably a hundred fifty thousand bad guys in a city of rubble and fire.”
Jenkins let that number sink in a moment. The man projected political polish, as I would expect from somebody of his rank, but he didn’t hide his edgy urgency.
He went on. “The LAPD has almost ten thousand sworn, but who knows how many are still alive, much less how many can physically get mobilized. Break that down into twelve-hour shifts and there might be two thousand cops in the whole city at any given time. Three thousand if we’re lucky.”
Lieutenant Tallon said, “Sir that makes the odds against the LAPD about sixty-to-one.” His voice carried both cordiality and self-assurance.
Jenkins nodded. “That’s right. But you will be undercover. Plain clothes and a plain vehicle.”
“Where is Shaw?” Anderson asked.
“I don’t know.” Jenkins nodded to his adjunct who stepped forward and handed a folder to Tallon, then stepped back. “Here is his address and personal information. Best guess is home, but start wherever you need to and find the man.”
Anderson made a small snort. “What if he’s dead?”
“You find him, either way.”
One thing was for sure. Jenkins wasn’t sugarcoating the assignment.
“What about help from the outside?” I asked.
“In time. They’ll mobilize the National Guard and we’ll get relief and search-and-rescue teams, but it’ll take days.”
Tallon said, “We’ll be mostly on our own for the first forty-eight hours. Keep in mind just about every other city in Southern California has the same problems. Some worse, some better.”
“Jesus,” Anderson said.
Tallon said, “Chief, you’ll be here? We bring Shaw here?”
“At this time, I am in command of the department. The chief, assistant and other deputy chiefs have not yet been in contact. That means I’m the Director of Emergency Operations until further notice. That’s all. Dismissed.”
Jenkins motioned to Tallon to follow him and they stepped outside of the conference room with the adjunct lieutenant close behind. Tallon stood about six inches taller than the deputy chief, but Jenkins didn't seem the least bit intimidated.
The doorway stayed open and I stood up, keeping my back to them, but close enough to hear.
“Lieutenant, I don’t know you very well, but I’ll tell you this with certainty. This is the most difficult challenge you’ll ever fahttps://www.partnersincrimetours.net/pict/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/detective-lessons.jpg>I heard Jenkins walk away. When I turned, Tallon had locked eyes with the other lieutenant. A beat later, she hurried after her boss.
** / **
“Your orders are to find Detective Gavin Shaw. He’s a member of Major Crimes and I need him here or I need to know where he is. That’s it. Nothing more.”
As Jenkins paused, several of the detectives looked at each other. Anderson opened her mouth. “Is he—“
Jenkins put up a hand. “You are not, repeat not, to take on law enforcement duties. You are not out to arrest looters, answer radio calls, help firefighters, or anything else you think you ought to be doing. Your only assignment is to find Shaw. And find him as fast as you possibly can. Am I clear?”
“Can I ask the importance of Detective Shaw at this juncture?” Mata said.
“No, you may not. Find him and bring him to me.”
“A search-and-rescue mission?” Anderson said in a puzzled tone.
“Call it that, Anderson. Lieutenant Tallon is in charge and you’d better be aware of what you’re facing. This city is falling apart. Aside from the destruction, there are forty-five thousand gang members, and at least that same number of state parolees and felons on probation. Then there are the opportunists who will loot, burglarize, and kill without the police to stop them. That’s probably a hundred fifty thousand bad guys in a city of rubble and fire.”
Jenkins let that number sink in a moment. The man projected political polish, as I would expect from somebody of his rank, but he didn’t hide his edgy urgency.
He went on. “The LAPD has almost ten thousand sworn, but who knows how many are still alive, much less how many can physically get mobilized. Break that down into twelve-hour shifts and there might be two thousand cops in the whole city at any given time. Three thousand if we’re lucky.”
Lieutenant Tallon said, “Sir that makes the odds against the LAPD about sixty-to-one.” His voice carried both cordiality and self-assurance.
Jenkins nodded. “That’s right. But you will be undercover. Plain clothes and a plain vehicle.”
“Where is Shaw?” Anderson asked.
“I don’t know.” Jenkins nodded to his adjunct who stepped forward and handed a folder to Tallon, then stepped back. “Here is his address and personal information. Best guess is home, but start wherever you need to and find the man.”
Anderson made a small snort. “What if he’s dead?”
“You find him, either way.”
One thing was for sure. Jenkins wasn’t sugarcoating the assignment.
“What about help from the outside?” I asked.
“In time. They’ll mobilize the National Guard and we’ll get relief and search-and-rescue teams, but it’ll take days.”
Tallon said, “We’ll be mostly on our own for the first forty-eight hours. Keep in mind just about every other city in Southern California has the same problems. Some worse, some better.”
“Jesus,” Anderson said.
Tallon said, “Chief, you’ll be here? We bring Shaw here?”
“At this time, I am in command of the department. The chief, assistant and other deputy chiefs have not yet been in contact. That means I’m the Director of Emergency Operations until further notice. That’s all. Dismissed.”
Jenkins motioned to Tallon to follow him and they stepped outside of the conference room with the adjunct lieutenant close behind. Tallon stood about six inches taller than the deputy chief, but Jenkins didn't seem the least bit intimidated.
The doorway stayed open and I stood up, keeping my back to them, but close enough to hear.
“Lieutenant, I don’t know you very well, but I’ll tell you this with certainty. This is the most difficult challenge you’ll ever fahttps://www.partnersincrimetours.net/pict/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/detective-lessons.jpg>I heard Jenkins walk away. When I turned, Tallon had locked eyes with the other lieutenant. A beat later, she hurried after her boss.
** / **
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